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Posted by on Jan 23, 2013 in Blog, Communication, Decluttering, Education | 1 comment

Conversations, Cuddling, & Decluttering

Conversations, Cuddling, & Decluttering

There’s been a lot of great content over at Boston Mamas (which, despite the geographical niche name, covers all lifestyle territory!) and Asha recently reminded me that you awesome peeps in the Minimalist Parenting community would likely benefit from some sharing (thank you, Asha). Here are five wonderful recent posts; I hope you find them useful!

1. Four simple but powerful tips for parenting tweens.

2. How to talk to kids about moving.

3. How to encourage shared responsibility at home.

4. Seven wonderful winter books for kids (it’s the perfect time to cuddle up!).

5. Eight ways to declutter for good.

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